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Online Personal Training

When you sign up for Online & Mobile Training, you will receive the same personal attention, instruction, guidance, and motivation that you would experience if you were here training at our local facility.  Every client is treated as an individual and training programs are custom-built to meet your goals according to your current health, experience, and fitness level.  Here's what you can expect:


  • A consultation to answer any questions you have and to get a better understanding of your goals, personal health and fitness background, any injuries you have to work around, daily/weekly schedule, access to workout equipment, etc.
  • Complete the online forms and send to your trainer.
  • Perform self-measurements, photos, and initial weigh-in.
  • Your personal trainer will then review all of the background information from your consultation and the forms you completed, and design a workout regimen that fits your life-schedule.
  • We'll also schedule a bi-weekly check-in call to review the week's workouts, challenges, successes, and answer any questions you have.  While we strongly suggest having a quick call to chat, we understand that some people prefer texts or email, so we are flexible and can keep in contact however you prefer.  We also provide unlimited email support.
  • Add additional months for up to 30% savings!

Online Personal Training

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