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Writer's pictureDawn Thelen

How You Doin'?

Have you even had a chance to stop and ask yourself that question in the past few weeks? If you're like most, you've had a ton of emotional ups and downs lately and pretty much every day seems like Groundhog Day. Life is full of so much uncertainty right now and we are all just ready to get back to some kind of 'normal', but what will be your new normal? During this time of staying at home, away from society, have you learned anything about yourself? Things that you'd like or need to change? Have you found yourself more or less motivated and focused to get things done, or have you just been going through the motions each and every day and kind of given up? Lack of social interaction, routine, uncertainty, and security can really effect us in a number of ways, the greatest being our mental health. It's so easy to see everything with a glass half-empty mindset and let that negativity take over and if this sounds like you, today is a great day to change that! My goal is for each and every one of you to come out of this stronger and more confident than ever! I know what you're saying "Coach Dawn must be on crack!" Maybe I am, maybe I'm not... ;) But being one that has been personally going through the roller coaster ride of emotions lately, I decided it's time to snap myself out of the funk and help others to do the same! Now is the time that we need to come together as a community, as a tribe and help to build each other up! Life right now doesn't have to be all doom and gloom. We miss our friends, we miss going out, we miss being able to buy random, unnecessary items, we miss working, we miss having our free-time (for all you parents out there home schooling their kids), we are all missing so much right now and we are all afraid of what's to come. Tomorrow, I want you to wake up, take a shower (how many of you don't remember the last time you washed your hair?!), put on something that doesn't consist of PJ's or yoga pants, make a healthy breakfast and take 5 to 10 minutes for some meditation. Need help with that? Download the Headspace App for some free, helpful meditations! Once you're done with that, make a list of 3 items you want to accomplish that day, and make them meaningful... brushing your teeth does not qualify! It all starts with making little habits every day to help get you back on track. I'd love to hear what your daily items are, so feel free to shoot me an email or text message for accountability and let's break free of this rut together!

Are you in?!


Coach Dawn

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