I cannot stress enough the importance of getting in your daily recommended dose of fiber. A diet low in fiber could possibly be the key factor to what is keeping you from reaching your weight loss goals! Not only is fiber amazing for keeping off unwanted weight, but it has many other added benefits such as:
Helps keep you feeling full for a longer period of time and slows down your digestion. High-fiber foods take up more volume in your stomach which helps your body to signal to your brain that you’ve eaten enough, and with the slower rate of digestion, it helps keep you satiated between meals which helps prevent that unwanted mindless snacking.
Insulin Control
High fiber foods slows the digestion of nutrients, such as glucose from carbohydrates, into the blood which in turn reduces glucose and insulin levels. This is extremely beneficial to people with Type 2 Diabetes as fiber can reduce glucose and insulin spikes.
Good For Your Gut
The good bacteria in your gut feed on fiber and produce short-chain fatty acids, which then get absorbed into your bloodstream and helps to regulate your immune system and reduce inflammation.
Having a stronger immune system will help to combat cold and flu season and keep you in the game!
Eating a high-fiber diet may reduce inflammation by lowering body weight. Obesity has been found to cause inflammation, which can lead to cardiovascular and metabolic disease which is why it’s so important to focus on eating foods that are high in fiber.
Successful Aging
The Westmead Institution for Medical Research has concluded that there have been multiple studies that linked a high-fiber diet (28g or more), with having an almost 80% greater likelihood of living a long and healthy life. You are also less likely to suffer from hypertension, diabetes, dementia, depression and functional disability.
Keeps You Regular
A diet rich in insoluble fiber helps keep your bowels active, healthy and regular, which helps lead to a decrease in bloating and aids in weight loss.
How Much Fiber Should I Consume?
It’s recommended that women consume a minimum of 25g/day and men a minimum of 38g/day. However, it’s not recommended to go overboard on fiber as it may lead to GI distress, such as gas pains and bloating, and a decrease in nutrition absorption.
How To Increase Daily Fiber Intake
Drastically increasing your fiber intake is not recommended as it can lead to cramps, bloating and gas. Start by slowly adding high fibrous foods into your day by increasing your vegetable intake to 4-5 servings a day and replacing foods with a high-fiber source such as whole-grain bread for white bread.
When increasing your vegetable consumption, ease digestion by steaming your veggies, chopping them up into smaller pieces, chewing them thoroughly or blending your vegetables into your fruit smoothies.
Excellent Sources Of Fiber
Soluble Fiber: Oats, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, and some fruits and vegetables
Insoluble Fiber: Whole-grains such as wheat and popcorn, fruits and vegetables (with peels)
Dark Chocolate: Consume in moderation as it’s still high in sugar and calories